Hi, I'm Marco 🤓
Helping people learn coding by concrete examples.
As a Software Engineer and Instructor, I help people learn programming with real-world examples.
Read the blog
Everyone has a passion.
Check out the technologies I've been playing around.
- Webpack
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
- Storybook
- Redux JS
- React JS
- Next JS
- Kibana
- Jira
- Jenkins
- Java
- GraphQL
- Git
- Docker
- Cypress
- Babel JS
- Amazon Web Services
- D3 JS
- Figma
- Google Tag Manager
- JavaScript
- Jest JS
- Jquery
- Mongo DB
- Node JS
- PostgreSQL
- Realm
- Sass
- Styled Components
- Travis CI
- Visual Studio Code
Hacking Your Learning Habits for Long-Term Growth
When it comes to learning, hacking your habits is crucial for long-term growth.
For me, it means constantly seeking out new methods, resources, and practices to enhance my skills.
It's about having a growth mindset, being passionate about what you do, and dedicating yourself to daily progress.
If you'd like to know more, don't miss out this podcast!